
How to Prepare an SMS Campaign That Hits the Mark?

How to Prepare an SMS Campaign That Hits the Mark?

Published: 27 november 2014

Why is SMS marketing important for business?

SMS marketing is the key to quickly promoting a business, an effective advertising tool that allows you to sell products or services with minimal time and cost. It is a proven method for attracting new clients and maintaining loyal relationships with existing ones. Why?

Almost everyone today owns one, if not two, mobile phones. We use mobile messages as a quick way to inform someone about something. This function has become the primary argument for implementing SMS marketing. Quick messages are a direct way for any company to personally communicate with clients, creating a direct marketing channel. It helps businesses quickly notify clients, confirm orders, announce new discounts and promotions, or even send holiday greetings. Clients appreciate being remembered. Personalized messaging allows for an individual approach, building stronger relationships and boosting sales.

How to Prepare an Effective SMS Marketing Campaign?

Related Article: How to Track the Effectiveness of SMS Campaigns?

Segment Your Audience

  • Analyze your business's target audience.
  • Divide your audience into segments based on interests, age, gender, or other criteria that help you create a psychological profile for each group.
  • Put yourself in your client's shoes and understand what they need to persuade them to purchase your product or service.
  • Create a unique selling proposition (USP) tailored for each segment. Each USP should have its own “hook” and match the group's interests.

Timing Is Everything

  1. Messages with time-sensitive offers are much more effective than open-ended messages. Send proposals with limited validity to encourage prompt action from clients.
  2. Send messages at convenient times for your clients. Respect their schedule—don't wake them up at night or early morning. Optimal timing: weekdays from 10:00 to 20:00, weekends from 11:00 to 18:00.

Fast, Concise, and Impactful

Your message must be brief yet informative. Clients won't read, let alone remember, long “walls of text.” When they open your message, it should be easy to digest, with minimal unnecessary information and maximum clarity. Ideally, keep the message within 2 SMS, depending on the content.

Avoid Spam!

Using spam in SMS campaigns is the worst PR for your company. No one likes spam. Remember, sending messages to your clients is more of a privilege than a right. If clients receive too many messages from your company, they'll stop paying attention, and you'll lose them.

Send Relevant and High-Quality Messages

When a client receives a personal message with clear and precise information, it signals the relevance of your offer, potentially turning a prospect into a loyal client.

By following these simple tips, you can create an effective SMS marketing campaign that helps you “hit the mark”—finding and engaging your target audience.
