SQL Connection Description for TurboSMS Gateway

To connect directly to our database, you must check the "SQL" option in the "Connection Methods" field in the gateway settings section.

Our database operates under the MySQL 5 DBMS. To enable direct connection to our database, you need to check the "SQL" option in the "Connection Methods" field in the gateway settings section. After this, an account will be created with the login and password you specified for connecting to the gateway, along with a table for storing your data in the database "users."

Once set up, you can connect to the database and work with it using any method available to you. The database server is located at sql.turbosms.ua, the working database is "users," and your table name matches the login for connecting to the gateway 1.

The created account has limited access. You can only write values to specific fields and delete records. You cannot modify the field values or table structure. New records are checked every second. All processed records become available for viewing in the TurboSMS web interface.

The table encoding is utf8, so Cyrillic text messages must be in UTF-8 encoding. To correctly insert Russian text and read status texts, execute the query SET NAMES utf8; after connecting to the server. To use our database in other DBMS, install the MySQL ODBC 5.1 or MySQL ODBC 3.xx driver. Note that version 5.1 may cause permission issues, so we recommend using version 3.xx.

By default, the Ukrainian time zone is applied when connecting (UTC+2, UTC+3 during daylight saving time). To shift the time zone, use a query like SET timezone = '+00:00';, where +00:00 is the time zone offset.

To ensure stable service operation and fast query execution, we delete records older than 180 days (six months). If no records are added during this period through the configured connection, it will also be deleted. You can create a new connection anytime in your user account.

All messages are immediately added to the TurboSMS database upon insertion. Subsequent content changes to SMS are not synchronized. If you need to change processed messages, you must delete them first and then reinsert them with updated data.

User Table Structure

Field Type Access Purpose
id integer Read Auto-increment field storing the message ID for quick search
msg_id 2 string (36) Read Message ID in the system. This ID allows you to check the delivery status
number string (21) Full Recipient's phone number in international format, digits only
sign string (11) Full Alphanumeric name (sender's signature)
message string (1530) Full Message text
wappush 3 string (128) Full WapPush link, including http://
is_flash 3 bool Full Flash message flag (1 - yes, 0 - no)
cost 2 decimal(4,2) Read Message cost in hryvnias
balance 2 decimal(10,2) Read User account balance after processing
added 2 timestamp 4 Read Record addition date and time
send_time timestamp 4 Full Scheduled message sending date and time
sended 2 timestamp 4 Read Actual message sending date and time
received 2 timestamp 4 Read Status update date and time
error_code 2 string (3) Read Error code during processing
status 2 string Read Delivery status as per SMPP v3.4 protocol specification

1 Note: Changing the gateway connection login changes the account and table name, so be careful.

2 Field data is filled by our server during message processing. If the field values are NULL, processing has not been completed yet.

3 Some phone models do not support WapPush or flash messages.

4 Date format for all date and time fields: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, considering the configured connection time zone.

Description of "status" Field Values

status Description
NULL The message has not been processed yet
ACCEPTD The message has been accepted for processing
ENROUTE The message has been sent to the mobile network
DELIVRD The message has been delivered to the recipient
EXPIRED The message has expired
DELETED Deleted by the operator
UNDELIV Not delivered
REJECTD The message was rejected
UNKNOWN Unknown status

Description of "error_code" Field Values

error_code Description
0 No errors
2 Failed to save data. Contact support if the error persists.
23 Errors in the recipient's number
34 Recipient's country is not supported; additional activation is required
36 Failed to send the message. Contact support if the error persists.
40 Insufficient funds on the balance
46 The recipient's number is in the stop list
69 The sender's signature is prohibited by the administrator
83 Duplicate message
84 Message text is missing
85 Incorrect sender's signature
86 The message text contains prohibited words
87 The message text is too long
88 Your account is blocked for violations. Contact support.
999 Operator-specific error; further clarification is required

This list includes the most common error codes. If a code is not listed, please contact support.
