
3 Ways to Write About the Cost of a Product or Service Correctly

3 Ways to Write About the Cost of a Product or Service Correctly

Published: 10 may 2019

Planning to send not only promotional and discount SMS campaigns? Want to immediately target “your” customers by narrowing the audience with SMS price notifications about the cost of a product or service in your company?

This is the right approach! By including product pricing in your message, you immediately appeal to those consumers who are ready to buy and can afford it. This way, after launching the SMS campaign, you will get warm clients, not cold ones. Consumers will already know the price, so all you need to do is organize quality service and pleasant communication. By including price information in your SMS, you automatically reduce your sales funnel by one conversion action, leading to quicker purchases or service orders from your clients.

But the question arises: how to correctly write the price in an SMS campaign to attract potential customers, not scare them off?

We warn you right away: it's not about the scale of the price. It's not about how expensive or cheap your product is. It's about the way you present the price and the psychological tricks you use in SMS campaigns.

So, here are 3 psychological techniques for writing the price in an SMS campaign that will sell your product or service:

1 Use Round Numbers Only

Don't think that using prices ending in 0.99 will encourage more people to buy from your target audience. Consumers have become so used to the trick of non-round numbers in supermarkets and stores that they simply don't react to it anymore. Using round numbers in SMS campaigns will instill more trust from your clients, as these numbers are perceived as more reliable and safe.

Example of using a round price in an SMS campaign for a pizzeria:

A meter pizza with the taste of Italy at PizzaHouse for just 110 UAH. Experience true taste pleasure! Order by phone 0442248668. Free delivery.

2 Use Anchoring Effect

You've probably seen the use of price tables on sales landing pages: base product price, standard, and VIP. This technique works well because most clients don't want to seem poor and don't choose the cheapest option, preferring the “standard” column. Those who feel more important choose the product priced as “VIP.”

The same can be used in SMS campaigns. First, show the higher price and sell the product at an inflated cost, then offer a lower price. This way, you anchor the client on the slightly lowered (but actually normal) price of the product or service. Moreover, you create the feeling that they've made a smart purchase at a lower price. The key is to present the highest price at the beginning of the list.

Example of using the anchoring effect in an SMS campaign for a training company:

Fitness camp “WomenSport” in Pushcha Voditsa. Transform your body in 10 days! “VIP” package: sports + massage + healthy eating = 1900 UAH. “Advanced”: sports + healthy eating = 1500 UAH. “Standard”: sports = 1000 UAH

3 List High Prices for Your Products and Services

Don't think that cheaper means more customers will buy your product. On the contrary. A justified high price speaks of the quality and value of your product for consumers. If your product is important to the client and they have enough means to purchase it, the deal will go through. Be sure to justify the high price, highlight the advantages of the product or service, and confirm its quality. To get your clients to pay more, you need to increase the perceived value of the product in their eyes. Create the illusion of product value and emphasize its prestige for your target audience.

The more expensive the wine, the tastier it seems to the consumer. And it doesn't matter that the grapes used to make the expensive wine are no different from the grapes used for cheaper wine. What costs more is always tastier, more valuable, and more pleasant for consumers.

Example of using a high price in an SMS campaign for a dental clinic:

Teeth whitening at the “Dent” dental clinic for just 3500 UAH. Use the service once and enjoy your white teeth. Don't skimp on your health! Already chosen by 211 clients

Brief Summary

Make your clients feel the value of your product or service. Moreover, make them feel important and valuable to your brand.

Proper pricing will drastically change your advertising campaign. Don't focus on clients who are willing to spend the minimum, create great prestigious products and set high prices. Increase the perceived value of the product, thereby boosting your business profits!
