
8 Myths About Lead Quality Assessment

8 Myths About Lead Quality Assessment

Published: 22 september 2015

It is essential to correctly assess the quality of leads generated from various sources. Evaluating lead quality will help you determine how to proceed with the client: whether to close the deal immediately or conduct additional marketing efforts.

To accurately evaluate lead quality, which impacts your business growth, you must first debunk certain myths surrounding this topic.


8 Myths About Lead Quality Assessment:

Myth #1 — All Leads Result in Successful Deals

If you think every inquiry is a ready-made deal, you're mistaken. Not all clients are immediately prepared to pay for your product or service. Some require follow-ups through email or SMS campaigns, phone conversations, or face-to-face meetings to “seal the deal.”

Myth #2 — Lead Quality Can Be Determined Instantly

Before deciding whether to send lead information to the sales department or conduct additional interactions, you need preliminary client data. This could include insights gained from tracking client behavior via Google Analytics or gauging their readiness through a phone call. Never assess lead quality “by eye.”

Myth #3 — Lead Quality Matches the “Buyer Persona”

The “buyer persona” is a profile of your ideal customer, encompassing general information like gender, age, and job, along with values, needs, and problems. Judging lead quality based solely on their similarity to this profile is flawed. A potential client may tick all the boxes but still face personal circumstances preventing them from making a purchase. Each lead should be evaluated independently of the buyer persona.

Myth #4 — Demographic Data Determines Lead Quality

Lead quality cannot be assessed using demographic data. A client's purchasing power does not depend on their location, population size, or ethnic composition. Only factual data—such as inquiries, actions taken on your site, and comments—should inform your assessment.

Myth #5 — Social Media Doesn't Generate Quality Leads

Oh, how many potential clients your business loses by not leveraging social media for traffic and lead generation. By attracting potential clients through social media communities and advertisements and providing them with valuable information about your company and products, you can generate far more high-quality leads.

Myth #6 — Promotional Message Campaigns Can't Generate Leads

This is another common misconception. Despite the proliferation of digital tools, SMS marketing remains an effective client acquisition channel. Through SMS campaigns, you can influence potential clients' decisions and desires. Informational and promotional SMS campaigns, as well as holiday greetings, help build client trust in your business.

Myth #7 — Only Hot Leads Are Worth Pursuing

Anyone showing interest in your services is a potential client. If you focus solely on those ready to purchase, you'll lose a significant portion of your potential clients. All leads deserve attention! Your ability to engage with cold leads reflects the efficiency of your business and employees.

Myth #8 — Deals with Hot Leads Are 100% Guaranteed

Not all seemingly ready-to-buy clients will complete a purchase. Circumstances can change in an instant, and so can their decision—for example, they might postpone the purchase or find a more attractive alternative.

There Are No Bad Leads—Only Untapped Ones!

Engage with interested clients, communicate with them, and provide appealing information about your products and services to convert leads into loyal customers.
