
Glossary of Terms


In the glossary, you can read about what a gateway is, different types of alphabets, sending SMS online, and learn all the definitions that interest you. You will also understand how to send SMS online.


Short Message Service allows mobile subscribers to send and receive short text messages using a mobile phone. The length of a text message written in Latin characters is 160 characters, including spaces and other symbols. When writing text messages using Cyrillic characters, the message length is reduced to 70 characters.


An internal unit of account in the service, equivalent to one standard SMS (160 Latin characters or 70 Cyrillic characters).

Character in a Message

A single text character, including spaces, punctuation marks, and line breaks.

Latin Character

One of the characters in the Latin alphabet:

Cyrillic Character

One of the characters in the Cyrillic alphabet:

Sending SMS

The process by which a single SMS message is sent to a mobile network operator, who then delivers the message to a mobile subscriber.

SMS Mailing

Similar to sending SMS, except the message is sent to more than one recipient.

Template-based SMS Mailing

A service that allows sending SMS messages using a predefined template. The template stores prepared values for each recipient. During mailing, the values from the template are automatically inserted into the message text. For this, use %% in the text where placeholders 1,2,3, etc., are inserted. For example, the first row in the template contains the following values:

  1. Column - +380110000000
  2. Column - Full Name
  3. Column - Bonus Amount

Write the text and template markers in the message. For example: “Dear %1%, your %2% has been doubled.”. After sending, the subscriber +380110000000 will receive the message: “Dear Full Name, your bonus amount has been doubled.”


A .csv file storing phone numbers and text templates mapped to each number. During mailing, the template values are automatically inserted into the message text. Templates can be created using Excel or Calc. To create a template, open a new spreadsheet document. In the first column, enter phone numbers, one per cell. In the second and subsequent columns, enter text templates next to each number. Save the file as “.csv, comma-separated.”

CSV File

A file type that stores template data.


WAP-PUSH is a technology that allows sending a WAP site link or downloadable content in the SMS body. Upon receiving such a message, the recipient can view your text and open the link in their phone browser with one click. A drawback of this technology is that the message can only be read once and is then deleted from the phone.

Delivery Report

Allows tracking the status of an SMS message after it is sent to the subscriber.

Message Status

The state of an SMS message after it is sent to the subscriber. Possible statuses: in progress, delivered, not delivered, rejected.

Status “In Progress”

This status indicates that the message has been transmitted to the mobile operator.

Status “Delivered”

This status indicates that the message was successfully delivered to the recipient.

Status “Rejected”

This status indicates that the message was rejected by the operator.

Status “Not Delivered”

This status indicates that the message was not delivered to the recipient.


Your unique username used for accessing the TurboSMS service.

User Statistics

Information about your internal account status, including remaining credits, sent messages, and the total number of used credits.


A group of numbers assigned to a name and associated with a specific region. Used for SMS mailing.

Message Signature

An alphanumeric signature displayed in the “sender” field instead of the sender's number.

Alphanumeric Signature

You can specify a company or brand name as the sender's number. The sender's number can include up to 11 Latin characters without spaces.


To cooperate, you must sign an agreement. Download it here. Send the completed agreement in 2 copies without a number or date to: 03150, Kyiv-150, P.O. Box 220, Mobizon LLC, TurboSMS Service.


SMS Gateway

An option for remote message sending via SOAP and SQL protocols. This allows you to integrate SMS sending into your software.

Connecting to the Gateway via SOAP

SOAP is an XML-RPC extension that allows remote procedure calls. Protocol description and connection details are available here.

Connecting to the Gateway via SQL

Allows direct connection to our database.

Short Number 8668

Short Number 8668

This service enables customer interaction. Sending a message to this number costs the same as a regular SMS based on the operator's tariff. When someone sends a message containing your prefix, their number is automatically added to your TurboSMS phonebook.


A word or set of characters customers send to automatically add their number to your phonebook.

Prefix Group

A group based on a prefix with its subscription and unsubscription codes, used for segmenting client numbers interested in your news or promotions.

Subscription Code

A code linked to the prefix that customers send to number 8668 to subscribe to your news or participate in promotions.

Unsubscription Code

A code that customers send to number 8668 to unsubscribe from receiving news or promotions.

Prefix Status

Upon addition, the prefix is moderated. After approval, it receives the status “confirmed.”

Group Status

Upon adding or editing a group, it is moderated. After approval, it receives the status “confirmed.”

Executor and Controller Emails

Emails where data about received SMS messages is sent. Two addresses ensure data processing monitoring.

Processing Script

Data about received SMS messages is also sent to the address you specify, allowing you to process the data as needed.

Script Login and Password

For security, HTTP authorization is supported.
